Ergonode PIM Changelog
Stay updated on everything we ship.
17 March 2025
[Advanced filters] Filter by SKU limit wasn't enforced. It's fixed now. The limit is 1000 SKU.
27 January 2025
[Product grid] Revert sorting workflow statuses in quick & advanced filters back to the way they were
14 January 2025
[Product Importer] Sorting and filtering by the Description column is impossible, so it's disabled in the UI.
09 January 2025
[Product Importer] Handle space at the end of price type attribute values
[Product catalog] Sorting in the quick filter is z > a instead of a >z
[Product catalog] The Simple search bar is now in a fixed position (will not scroll)
[RTE Enabled Attribute] Text styles (bold, italic, etc.) are now copyable.
[Product importer] Changing column name from "Errors" to "Problems" on the History tab
18 December 2024
[Custom fields] Issue with the 'label' word
[Custom content language] Issue with codes in the Product status condition
11 December 2024
PDF preview does not work
Note widget - text entered in the default note field is not saved at specific conditions
[RTE] Formatting to bold deletes text if the text is already bolded
[Resources] Batch action move to a folder no scroll bug
column in the synchronization entry history grid to be taken fromupdated_at
rather thancreated_at
09 December 2024
Batch action for content (AI) autogeneration
Custom prompts for content (AI) autogeneration
Translate content batch action
Translate options batch action
Translate attributes batch action
Ability to stop batch action
Progress window on action start
Plan page in the main menu
05 December 2024
[Resources] _ sign is not escaped in the folder search
21 November 2024
[GraphQL API] ability to check and set a product status
[GraphQL API] access to variant parent
5 November 2024
[Ergonode transfer] function has been updated to prevent the export of the \n (new line) character in CSV files.
17 October 2024
Variants generator – the ability to select Code instead of Language
Attribute validations
Additional multimedia formats: mkv, mov
[GraphQL API] query allowing fetching product by unique attribute
09 October 2024
[Category attributes] ability to enlarge the text area attribute window
Adding a completeness set does not trigger a recalculation of completeness
Typo in Grouping product add products by SKU
02 October 2024
Copy another product on the product card coloring issue
Automatic translation issue - text attribute
Setting the order of photos in the gallery using "sort by name" does not save the order
Added "Processing" status in the importer history details
27 September 2024
Random logouts
Number 5 on the numeric keyboard does not work in numeric type attribute
Product history loading issue when more than 25 items are on the page
[API][GraphQL] returns null instead of 0 (zero) in select / multiselect attribute options
Change translations mechanism from DeePL to OpenAI gtp4-o-mini
17 September 2024
In specific conditions, the system could display different product statuses for the same product
06 August 2024
Customers on Free and Essential pricing plans can now use 6 predefined statuses in the workflow
Basselinker app expected the wrong unit in the mapper (width attribute)
01 August 2024
[Collections] Added a new way to add products to the collection.
30 July 2024
[Product importer] Accented characters are omitted when a category is created
[Product importer] History tab performance improvement
[Activities] Batch actions tab speed improvement
[Product catalog] Kanban view not showing status translations
Comments not visible in the product comments tab
Replacing the “PRO” badge with a dedicated icon to indicate a function available in higher pricing tiers.
The location of the help menu was changed to the left-bottom corner.
19 July 2024
Incorrect creation of two-way product relation
18 July 2024
Performance issue when opening activities
Invalid multimedia batch action Select all filter
Product grid variables behavior
17 July 2024
[Apps] Missing configuration schema handling
16 July 2024
System optimization when a massive amount of attributes (> 10k) are present in the system
Slow loading of history details
On the grid, the window when double click on the textarea attribute with RTE enabled is now bigger
15 July 2024
Product privileges - the ability to restrict access to specific products
[Template designer] Ability to remove empty row
[GraphQL] Two way relation is now available
[Apps] Access denied after login in particular conditions
[Product card] It was possible to enter an extra character that was non-numeric in the numeric type attribute
No details in the import history when opening the details page URL directly from a link
'Select all' counter issue in batch actions
[Product catalog] "Default label" attribute optimization for faster product catalog
[Apps] Attributes dropdowns are not working
[Apps] File download alters the file
[Saved views] The drop down list is now longer and displays more saved views
The quantity column in the grouping product is restored
The method on how to add products to the collection was changed to batch action
25 June 2024
New query and mutation added to GraphQL API
24 June 2024
There are no details in the import history when opening it through the URL directly
[Ergonode Transfer] - performance optimization
04 June 2024
An issue where file extension in capital letters may cause import errors in some cases
Product Collections - collection types were removed
27 May 2024
Issue when sometimes it wasn't possible to start a batch action if more than 500k products were added to the action
Improvements in the working speed of the Delete product batch action
Changed inconsistency in unpinning variants and binding attributes with products.csv file
21 May 2024
[Ergonode Transfer] Completeness sets are now possible to export / import
14 May 2024
Added new widgets in template designer; note (max 100k char), and heading (max 255 char)
[Ergonode transfer] New widgets can be exported / imported in
templates_elements .csv
filesOfficial documentation of the app engine is now publicly available
Completeness set calculation optimization
Improved loading time of the Variants tab
[Product Importer] Improved performance on history grid
07 May 2024
[Product importer] Fixed a problem with
causing import errors on some occasions
10 April 2024
Added tag "<strong>" in RTE editor (Text area attribute with RTE enabled)
Newly created global text and global numeric type attributes can now be set as unique
[Ergonode Transfer] Extended attributes.csv file added _unique column returning “true”|”false” value
[GraphQL] Extended NumericValueTranslationInput and TextValueTranslationInput validation for uniqueness
Added a new "system attributes" product variants (for a product with variants) code: esa_variants
Added a new "system attributes" product children (for a product grouping) code: esa_children
[Ergonode Transfer] Added validation on text length in TranslatableStrings
Disabling the READ privilege for users will not cause the Product importer to stop working any more
Sometimes to Save button was active even if there were no changes to save
The displayed products on the catalog drop to 25 despite choosing to display 200
Lack of multimedia UPDATE privilege caused inability to attache medium to product
Incorrect snackbar message when removing a product from the collection
Saving changes to the template does not recount completeness without page refreshing
Searching by SKU when adding variants to products does not work
[Product catalog] Kanban view - changing advanced filter not refreshing the board
Segments recounting optimization (Segments should now work faster)
Improved performance of GraphQL API stream queries
Clone, Copy, and Delete options will be hidden if the user does not have sufficient privileges to use them
[Ergonode Transfer] Import names are now limited to 255 characters
05 March 2024
Dynamic drop-down list width based on content (status list in product template, view list in catalog grid)
[Batch actions] Action to copy options (select and multi-select attributes) now also copies Custom field values
[Batch actions] Delete categories on the categories grid
Ability to clone the attribute (The dots menu is available in edit attribute mode) - Options in select and multi-select attribute types are NOT cloned while using this function
A possibility to sort options of select and multi-select attributes alphabetically in the drop-down menus in the Product template and on the Product Catalog grid
[Product Importer] Possibility to filter attributes by codes
[Product Importer] Validation error when editing profile
[Product catalog] Placing square brackets around a search term on the catalog view (grid) forces quotations
[Product catalog] Sometimes drop-down on the grid remains open when it shouldn't
[Product template] Changes in text area attribute were not saved if the save button was clicked before changing focus to a different field
It was possible to create an option name longer than 255 characters in some cases
[Product importer] Value is not a string in select type attributes when the option is a purely numeric one
Better explanation of scopes in help message while creating a new attribute
Removal of buttons in attribute edit mode and replacing them with dots menu
05 February 2024
[Grid] Use the Shift button to select a range of rows (checkboxes)
Workflow condition User extended for multiple choices
Workflow condition User role extended for multiple choices
Deleted attributes appear in the list in the product importer
[Product Importer] "\u0009" sign issue
[Product Importer] found String " align=" issue
[Product Importer] XLS with numbers cannot be imported to the Text attribute
25 January 2024
CustomField support in Ergonode Transfer
Optimization of the segment calculator - it should be faster now
[Resources] Added support for .max files
Saved grid views are now sorted alphabetically
[Ergonode Transfer] Downloading an export file is now possible from the Action center
[Catalog] New Batch Action - Edit media names
[Product Importer] Added several new error codes related to categories import
Column sorting is now remembered in System → Activities → Batch actions
A situation when an import status persists as “Processing”
The display order of categories assigned to products on a product catalog grid is different from the order in which it was sent via GQL API
[Catalog] Advanced grid filters do not maintain their order when refreshing a page
After opening the sidebar, sometimes there is an unnecessary space at the top of the panel
[Catalog] Trying to filter by Template and selecting the option “Show only empty records”, results in an error
[Product importer] Rows sorting issue
On the product creation window, in the category component when the Category tree is picked on the tooltip instead of presenting a valid #code value #undefined is visible
When adding multimedia to an attribute from the catalog view, the resources view is opened on the same page as the current catalog page. If the catalog page exceeds the maximum resources pages, the last page on resources is opened instead
Deleting user role used in workflow transition is no longer possible
[Ergonode transfer] clearer error message in a case when attributes on the x, and y-axis “touch” each other
Change in advanced filters menu behavior. After dragging the first item to the filters the filter menu should automatically expand, and collapse when the remove filters button is pressed
[Batch actions - change status] Instead of just giving “No” in the “Success column” we now give more detailed information in the Error Description column: "Workflow configuration does not allow for status change"
[RTE] Editor.js Table export as "tr" instead of "td" data list
Unification of notifications in product importer and Ergonode Transfer
[Catalog grid] Segment names are sorted alphabetically in a single cell context to improve readability
[Custom fields] Changing the size of fields with validation errors
[Category trees components] – Remove indicator of category children if not selected
03 January 2024
An issue "Attribute option... does not exist" in the Product importer
22 December 2023
An issue in Product importer where the nonexisting option would not be assigned over the first import
20 December 2023
Custom fields (max 10 for a single attribute) for select and multiselect attribute types
Batch action in Product design > Attributes - ability to assign attributes to group and mass delete
Added missing information to the Product importer details log grid
New option to clone the template
New option to clone section on a template
Trying to open a link to some place in Ergonode when not logged in will take you there after login instead of showing the dashboard
It's now possible to copy values from select and multiselect attributes on the grid when dubbleclick
It's now possible to click on action icons on the grid to open a new window
A new "Section" column on the attributes grid to easily find a section where the attribute is used in
Added automatic text-transform to lowercase to some option Code fields
When logging in you can now press Enter on the keyboard to login
The selected view on the grid will now be restored when switching between pages
When adding a video to RTE enabled textarea attribute you can now set the Width and Height of that video
Missing batch action center progress
Duplicated products displayed in the Product Catalog in some specific cases
Dubble left mouse click on the product in Kanban view leads to errors
Small improvements in Polish localization
Date sorting issue on the product and attribute grid
In some rare cases, it was possible to add categories to advanced filters twice
Occasional sorting error in file preview Product importer → Import settings
In batch action, you can now change attribute values even if they are not all on the same product template
System speed optimization
It's no longer possible to delete workflow status if it has a relation to the segment condition
Change the condition name for a better understanding of its meaning from “Product translation completeness” to “Product completeness in language”
Recounting segments should now be noticeably faster
13 November 2023
Tooltip in Segment select fields (Export CSV Segment, API Key Segment, Apps Collections (add product from segment))
Improved loading speed of the Segment grid (table)
Remove highlight from filters row in grids (tables)
09 November 2023
[Ergonode transfer] Add option to preserve original media names
Highlight table line on hover
File exported from the product catalog file could be empty in some cases
An issue with filtering and sorting after adding an attribute to the product catalog table
Folder search issue in Media Resources
In all interactive grids when the column is pinned changing values by dragging a cell vertically rows doesn’t work
Full-width templates
02 November 2023
Export to file from product catalog
Wrapping textarea text on medium and large grid row height
Displaying attribute code on hover in sidebars
Adding 10 rows instead of 1 in the template designer
Added missing validation error tooltip in the grid
Fixed grid issue with the same product being a part of different pages
Fixed active filter indicator so only active filters are taken into account
25 October 2023
New product importer with a mapper
Batch actions - status update
A new "Products" tab on the category edit page to manage products assigned to that category
Adding a search field in dropdowns
When uploading a file from the product card it will automatically be attached to that product (added to attribute)
Autofocus on search when clicking on select and multi-select inputs
A new link to Changelog in the navigation help menu
Grid is now limited to a maximum of 100 columns
A single Gallery, File, and Multiselect type attribute is now limited to a maximum of 100 elements (options) attached to it
While creating a new attribute we should display both, the currency symbol and its name
New reset password confirmation email template with a button to log into Ergonode
Popup (modal) windows are now bigger
In Resources media grid is now sorted by "Created at" by default
On the product card double-click on an image will now open in the original size
Form windows are now wider
Settings of non-editable grids (e.g. width of the column) are not saved while changing the page
Fix for the side menu not behaving correctly in some cases
Completeness set name badge moves to the left in read-only mode
Category tree designer unpin branches when moved
Issue when deleting a media wasn't possible when a path exceeded 128 chars
Fixed Ergonode Transfer error log for invalid SSL certificate on Multimedia URL
18 October 2023
Completeness sets on the product grid were counted incorrectly in some cases
07 September 2023
Possibility to pin columns in the product Catalog table view
Ability to set 2-way relations (product relation attributes)
Added support for *.wmv files
GraphQL API multimediaFolderCreate mutation with the creation of an entire path
Full-width grids
Ergonode Transfer improved handling of boolean values
GraphQL API removed deprecations with folder name as the id
23 August 2023
New activity logs
Activities dedicated permissions
Change template batch action
Dropped templates multimedia support
Fixed the possibility of removing referenced resources from categories and segments
Fixed access denied on the Variants tab
GraphQL API fixed invalid cursor handling
03 August 2023
Apps mapper optimization
Completeness not working properly in section (missing value)
Cannot edit the template when the attribute is in the last row
27 July 2023
Added support for "ggpkg" files
25 July 2023
Ergonode transfer import handling redundant commas
Removing floating labels in inputs to increase readability
Product card title bar with default label and image
GraphQL API multimedia query
Improved GraphQL API performance for segment-based API Keys
Fixed invalid columns removal for Product grid with advanced filters
GraphQL API fixed order of product relation attribute value order
Resource media attribute modal window issue
11 July 2023
You can now remove the "Index / Lp" column from the grid
New batch action - mass media deletion from resources
Apps synchronization time is now reduced significantly
Ability to change the order in the Gallery attribute
Ability to change the order in the Product relation attribute
Ability to open image in full screen mode in Gallery attribute
Added option "file info" in gallery and image attribute context menu
The MP4 file format is now available to use in multimedia
In the product template, you can now add 10 rows instead of one
Batch actions now select the proper number of products when using simple filters
Sorting issue in Import / Export history
29 June 2023
Ergonode transfer change tabs order
Improved attribute grid performance
Missing select and multi select attributes options translations indicators on the product card and grid
End dates on Stopped Ergonode transfer imports
Fixed disappearing page content when using menu position for the page user is already on
14 June 2023
Possibility to create Segments from many templates name with has / does not have operator
Ability to save shared grid views in the product catalog
Ergonode transfer increased HTTP client timeout
Improved attribute grid performance
Categories are greyed out after removing from the category tree until the page refresh
On the product page, not all attributes are saved when there was a validation error
Tooltips on numeric types attributes show the wrong message when a value was decimal
Search for 0 in toolbars no longer returns all attributes
Apps duplicate in history
1 June 2023
Unified naming of CSV imports and exports - Ergonode transfer
Ergonode transfer Template and Sections name support
Date attribute dd/mm/yy format support
Add support for name for templates.csv and section_templates.csv files
Current templates.csv do have _name field which has been deprecated representing the code. This should be replaced with an appropriate translatable name column(column _language should be added as well).
templates_elements.csv _name should be removed in favor only of code
A list of smaller fixes
22 May 2023
Segments as system attributes
Saving columns width in grids
Helper URLs in-app menu
Supporting new multimedia formats
Clear values batch action allows all attributes rather than common template ones
Improved OpenAI requests to avoid story-like descriptions
Fixed user being logged out while working in multiple tabs
Improved performance of product grid
Fixed textarea HTML text support
Fixed not working product grid with read-only product access
10 May 2023
A bug that prevents the expansion of the category list when subcategories are present in the category tree
8 May 2023
Nested folders in media resources with an unlimited number of subfolders
Character counter for text fields
Limit on how many files can be uploaded by UI at once
Removed restrictions on the number of folders possible to create in media resources
Unification of code/system name labels across the UI
RTE - components are not loading on some occasions
When dragging a section from the sidebar it does not load its code
Method of reading advanced filters by batch actions
Unicode support in specific conditions didn’t work for CSV import
Error 500 when creating a new user with specific data in fields
Last updated