Shopware 6.4.x
Plugin for the 6.4.x version of Shopware will no longer get any product updates, only severe bugs may be fixed. Please update your shop to 6.5.x
The Shopware plugin is now fully Open Source and maintained by a third party.
Please go to GitHub to download the newest version, read about changes, or create an issues ticket if any arise.
The plugin for the 6.4.x version will no longer be maintained after 31 March 2024.
This means that it may stop working in parts or at all. Please upgrade to newer Shopware and use 6.5.x version plugin.
Of course, you may still use it after the 31st of March 2024, and maintain it by yourself, as the plugin license allows for it.
This plugin license allows you to make your own changes to it to fix errors or to add more functionality. If you do any of that and send us the code, we may add the changes to the core.
Please read the disclaimer before using this plugin.
v. 2.6.4
23 10 2023
v. 1.2.2
Category synchronziation optymalization
Version numeration fix
23 06 2023
v. 1.1.7
Fix for uninstalling the plugin
v. 1.1.6
Added category mapping feature
Secured when deliveryTime is null
Added full sync of categories on delta sync
Fix for duplicate entries when syncing Manufacturers
Fix for not sending the translated category name on the first synchronization
Sw_min_order quantity and se_max_order_quantity must be higher than 0
Scheduler fix
Update to reflect Ergonode API changes
Fixed some minor compatibility errors when syncing data
16 06 2023
v. 1.1.4
Added mapping of categories between Ergonode and Shopware
Adjustment to Ergonode GraphQL API changes in regard to select and multi-select attributes
Fixed pagination on the number of transferred variants
Fixed pagination for synced categories (null for the first category in pagination)
Null safety for variant transformer and deleting orphaned variants
Null protection for getting existing configuratorSettings id when creating a product with variants
Revert unsetting attributes 01 06 2023 v. 1.1.3
Fix a bug with categories changing places on the storefront
Fix a bug where price(gross) caused the synchronization to break
Fix a bug with not all variants were sent if you have more than 25 of them
Add category mapper feature
20 04 2023
v. 1.1.2
Quickfix to changes in the previous version
20 04 2023
v. 1.1.1
Fix a bug where in some cases products with variants will not sync properly
11 04 2023
v. 1.1.0
Feat: Manufacturer synchronization as an attribute
04 05 2023
v. 1.0.10
Fixes after code analysis (Static code analysis in Shopware Store returned errors that have been fixed)
Added category pagination to SingleProductSync (only if the main sync reached the category limit)
Sync manufacturer as an attribute
16 03 2023
v. 1.0.10
Fix: Category trees that have more than 250 categories will now sync correctly
Fix: Products with more than 50 variants will now sync correctly
27 01 2023
v. 1.0.9
Change - we changed some attribute names in mapper to reflect on recent SW changes on the displayed attribute name
Fix - Fixed issue with images do not delete properly on some occasions
Fix - Issue with custom fields being created as multi select type when select type was used
17 01 2023
v. 1.0.8
Fixed - category tree structure when importing large trees
Fixed - issue with files not being correctly imported to custom fields
Fixed - issues with import when the default language was set to PL
15 12 2022
v. 1.0.7
Add - possibility to map and synchronize delivery time (must already exist as an object in Shopware (min, max, unit), and have the EXACT same name as select type attribute in Ergonode)
Change - some hints/tips to be more clear
08 12 2022
v. 1.0.6
Fix - fixed issue with synchronization in some rare cases
05 12 2022
v. 1.0.5
Fix - fixed issue with a product with variants
25 11 2022
v. 1.0.4
Added - synchronization of products with variants, with the binding method
Fix - proper display of tax attribute label when the tax was a number in decimal
Small code quality improvements
10 11 2022
v. 1.0.3
Added ability to map select type attribute as bool
Fixed overwriting value display type - now value will only be set up on the first sync
08 11 2022
v. 1.0.2
Cleaning import history daily (leaving only entries from the last 30d)
Improved readability of history import details
Configuration fields to the API changed to starred (type password)
Improved operation of verify credentials button in config - now takes into account inheritance
Added time zone selection in the scheduler configuration
Improved the way that sending media is handled in some situations
Last updated